Tuesday 13 December 2011

Leftover List

How many trips to the compost have you made to throw out leftovers?

How many times have you taken container after container of rotten leftovers out of the fridge that you forgot were even in there?

After nearly a decade of throwing out leftovers - not because we don't like them but because we never ever think of them - we now try to keep a "Leftover List" on the fridge.

If I am in need of a quick lunch, I go to the Leftover List.
If Will comes home from work starving, he checks out the Leftover List for a quick snack.
If the babies aren't fond of what we are eating for supper, where do I look for an alternative?
The Leftover List!

A Leftover List is one of those things that is SO SIMPLE that I can't even believe I am blogging about it. But it is something that has changed the amount of food we throw out and adds a little more organization to our busy days. 

If you are too busy (distracted/in a hurry) to remember leftovers, make yourself a list and stick it on the fridge. It will help you save time and money and maybe make a few meals a week a little bit easier!


  1. This is an excellent idea! I am definitely doing it from now on! :)

  2. Since writing this post I have found a sweet little white board at Walmart. I had tried the one that Dollarama sells but the magnets weren't strong enough to hold the board on the fridge. The one I found at Walmart was smaller, so it takes up much less room on my fridge, and much better quality - and only a dollar! It is actually a white board marketed for lockers at school but works well for a Leftover List too.
